Tempered glass
The many possibilities of digital image processing make it possible to reliably help analyzing the complex processes in the furnace by means of 100% control specifically aimed at various problem areas. With our scanners you can optimize your tempering furnaces in a process-safe way. Either with a scanner focused on a single problem (e.g. Anisotropy Scanner) or with a modular system that optionally covers several problem areas (e.g. Temper Scanner 5D).

Measurement of Roller Waves, Edge Kink and other optical distortion
- Task
Rollerwaves and edge kink cause you difficulties in tempered safety glass and insulating glass production or you have too many complaints about facade insulating glass or spandrels.
- Solution
The Temper Scanner measures optical distortion and roller waves at normal production speed and displays the results in milli diopter as well as in PV (peak / valley) values. The rollerwave check is the elementary check in the Temper Scanner, but can be supplemented by all the functions optionally needed in the temper section. In addition to the localization of white haze and the measurement of anisotropies, this also includes the check for optical defects in the brightfield and reflection channels, if you want to check the optical quality once again behind the furnace in addition to the furnace-related problems. A description of the test can be found below.

Detection of White Haze
- Task
Repeated complaints due to white haze in the end product.
- Solution
Objective and constant control over the complete production time by the White Haze Scanner.
The scanner is installed at the furnace outlet. When after the tempering process the batch passes through the scanner, it immediately detects the white haze caused by an incorrect temperature distribution in the heating zone. The appearance of white haze in the center or at the edge of the pane displays to the furnace operator whether the heat distribution above or below the pane needs to be adjusted. The scanner indicates to the employee at the rework station where the pane surfaces need to be polished.

Measurement of Anisotropies
- Task
Your customer expects the isotropy values of your facade glasses to reach a certain minimum value and also requires a corresponding protocol per sheet.
- Solution
The Anisotropy Scanner measures at normal production speed with polarized light in transmission and indicates whether the isotropy minimum target value of the tested sheet has been reached or even exceeded. The isotropy values of the individual sheet are an excellent control and at the same time good information tool for the furnace control.
And, of course, the software creates a separate result report for each single glass.

Check of optical defects after the furnace
- Task
To avoid having to use scanners to check for optical defects in several pre-processes, you would like to detect them behind the furnace as a central point.
- Solution
Objective and constant control over the complete production time by the brightfield and the reflection channel in combination with the rollerwave check by the Temper Scanner or without rollerwave check by the Quality Scanner 2D.
The scanner is installed at the furnace outlet. When the batch passes through the scanner after the tempering process, if desired it immediately detects the high-contrast defects such as scratches, bubbles or seeds with the brightfield channel, as well as coating defects such as coating scratches or flakes that appear there.
However, the most powerful detection channel for testing for optical defects - the darkfield channel - cannot be used here because it would show all the dust present on the glass.
It must also be considered whether this inspection location is ideal for the detection of optical defects, since the panes have already received further added value and the defective panes first detected here place an unnecessary load on the furnace capacity. With the use of individual ECO scanners, the defective sheets could already be replaced by good ones before they reach the furnace.
Your benefits
Complete process control
All quality aspects of the processed single sheets are checked with regard to their specification.
All quality control results are logged and made available for internal or external purposes.
Process stability
The scanners' focus on individual problem areas enables a significant improvement in process stability.
You would like to coordinate a project with us or have questions about products and services? Then simply call us or send us an e-mail. We are looking forward to your message!
Contact details
Viprotron GmbH
Ostendstraße 17
64319 Pfungstadt
- Phone number
- +49 6157 986 380
- info@viprotron.de
Viprotron North America Inc.
7501 S. Jackson Gap Way
Aurora CO 80016 – USA
- Phone number
- +1 313 384 3855
- ric.schmidt@viprotron.com